10 Applications for Education That Will Gamify the Classroom

Games in class make learning fun and engaging. Concepts learned in such an environment are memorable and will ignite creativity. Games also entice students to spend more time on academic matters because it is fun. It is one of the tricks to demystify learning by engaging in activities that are close to the everyday life of a student.

Luckily, technology has made educational gaming easier and more productive. Ordinary equipment like smartphones and televisions can be used for educational games. Students can also participate in remote gaming, making learning easier and more enjoyable. Further, these gaming platforms are free to facilitate easier learning.

What is Gamification?

Gamification is a cross-disciplinary concept that has been widely adopted in various sectors, such as marketing, healthcare, professional development training, and politics. It is defined as the incorporation of game elements into non-game settings.

In recent years, the concept of gamification has gained significant traction in the field of education, primarily due to advancements in web technologies and mobile applications.

Gamification of education refers to a developing approach that aims to increase learners’ motivation and engagement by integrating game design elements into educational environments. The idea behind gamified teaching is to harness the educational power of games and incorporate them into instructional practices.

Games typically have built-in mechanics based on incentivization and reward systems, which tend to drive motivation and engagement, thus enhancing the overall learning experience for students.

Introducing games in the classroom not only improves students’ motivation and participation but also boosts their learning outcomes. There are several tools available that can help educators gamify their teaching methods, with many of these platforms gaining popularity within the education community.

By utilizing these tools, teachers can seamlessly integrate the principles of gamified education into their lessons, creating engaging and gameful learning experiences for their students.

In summary, gamification has emerged as a powerful approach in the field of education, leveraging the motivational aspects of games to create an engaging and effective learning environment.

With the help of various tools and platforms, teachers can easily incorporate gamification into their instructional practices, ultimately enhancing students’ motivation, engagement, and overall learning experience.

How to Choose an Educational Game?

Students can learn a lot of concepts through gaming apps. However, the effectiveness of a gamified class depends on the choices a tutor or student makes. How do you choose an educational game?

  • Features – the app should be rich in features that make it interesting to learn some of the most complex concepts. Can I get the best coursework writing service UK while I study using games? Writing services will assist you to complete assignments, leaving you with more time to play educational games or commit your time to more interesting engagements. Choose an app with features that will support the concept you wish to study through the games.
  • Reviews- read reviews of the app to determine its user experience and effectiveness. The experiences of other users help you to isolate the beneficial apps from others that can be used for entertainment. A poor choice will result in a waste of time and unhealthy addiction.
  • Cost- owning the app should not disadvantage some students by making education too expensive. Pick an affordable app with rich features that will make learning enjoyable. There are apps with enhanced but subsidized educational features. Such are the apps to use for learning.
  • User experience- learning should be seamless. It should never require expert tutoring to understand an app or execute the moves to make learning easier. Pick an app that will guarantee the best user experience. Students need to continue playing without the guidance of a teacher. It extends learning beyond the classroom.

10 Best Applications to Gamify your class

1. Kahoot


Kahoot is a widely popular online platform that focuses on providing engaging and interactive game-based learning experiences for students, teachers, and professionals. It allows users to create, share, and play educational quizzes, also known as “kahoots,” in a fun and dynamic environment. Kahoot.com aims to enhance learning and boost student motivation and engagement through the power of gamification.

With its user-friendly interface and intuitive design, Kahoot.com enables educators to create custom quizzes tailored to their specific lesson plans and subject matter. These quizzes can cover a wide range of topics and be easily adapted to different age groups and learning levels. Teachers can also choose from a vast library of pre-existing quizzes created by other users or educational content providers.

Students can participate in these kahoots individually or in teams, using their computers, tablets, or smartphones. Kahoot.com incorporates a competitive element through the use of points and leaderboards, promoting a sense of healthy competition and encouraging active engagement from participants. The platform also offers real-time feedback, allowing teachers to track student progress and assess their understanding of the material.

In addition to its educational applications, Kahoot.com has proven to be a valuable tool for businesses and organizations, facilitating employee training and professional development. The platform offers various subscription plans, including free basic access for individual users and more comprehensive packages for schools, businesses, and other institutions.

2. Arcademics


Arcademics is an interactive online platform that combines the excitement of arcade-style games with educational content to create engaging learning experiences for students. It focuses on enhancing essential skills in subjects like math, language arts, typing, and social studies through a collection of entertaining and educational games.

The platform’s game-based approach is designed to motivate students and improve their retention of subject material. Arcademics.com offers a wide variety of games tailored to different grade levels and learning objectives, allowing teachers to easily integrate the platform into their lesson plans.

In addition to individual play, Arcademics.com supports multiplayer options, fostering collaboration and friendly competition among students. The platform also provides teachers with valuable insights into student performance through real-time data tracking and reporting features.

The app is designed for K-8 students and below. It helps them to tackle such subjects as math, language, and social sciences. It has a provision for multi-player engagements, making collaborative learning a reality.

Arcademics is one of the widest used educational games. It generates comprehensive analytics that will guide parents and teachers in the areas that require more attention. The analytics allow you to customize the gaming to enhance the skills you desire. It is available on iOS and Android devices.

3. Brainscape


Brainscape is an innovative online platform and mobile app designed to optimize learning through the use of adaptive digital flashcards. It utilizes a unique spaced repetition algorithm, which aims to improve knowledge retention and learning efficiency by adjusting the timing and frequency of card reviews based on individual performance.

The platform offers a wide range of pre-made flashcard decks covering numerous subjects such as languages, science, math, history, and standardized test preparation. Users can also create custom flashcards tailored to their specific learning needs, allowing for personalized and targeted study sessions.

The app is designed for mapping ideas using flashcards. It is designed to repeat the challenging concepts at reasonable intervals such that they are engrained in your memory. There are pre-set flashcards for different concepts. Further, you can customize flashcards using the available database. It is one of the widest-used content planning apps.

Brainscape’s user-friendly interface and collaborative features enable users to share their flashcard decks with peers or educators, facilitating group study and collective learning experiences. The platform also provides progress tracking and performance analytics, allowing learners to monitor their improvement over time and adjust their study habits accordingly.

4. Gimkit


Gimkit is an engaging online platform that merges gaming elements with quiz-based learning to captivate and motivate students while reinforcing educational concepts. Created by a high school student, Gimkit’s objective is to make learning more enjoyable and interactive through game-based mechanics, including rewards, power-ups, and leaderboards.

Teachers can create custom quizzes or import pre-existing question sets from sources like Quizlet. Gimkit allows for the incorporation of various question types and multimedia, ensuring a diverse and dynamic learning experience. The platform also offers a selection of game modes, including team-based and individual play, suitable for different classroom settings and learning objectives.

During gameplay, students earn virtual currency for correct answers, which can be used to purchase in-game power-ups, adding an extra layer of strategy and engagement. Gimkit’s real-time analytics enable teachers to monitor student performance, identify areas of improvement, and adjust their instructional strategies accordingly.

In summary, Gimkit is an innovative online platform that blends gaming elements with quiz-based learning to create a more engaging and enjoyable educational experience for students. With its customizable quizzes, diverse game modes, and real-time analytics, Gimkit serves as a valuable tool for teachers looking to enhance student motivation and reinforce learning through the power of gamification.

5. Quizizz


Quizizz is a dynamic online platform that allows educators to develop and share captivating quizzes and assessments for students. Designed to improve learning and increase motivation, Quizizz integrates gamification elements, such as points, timers, and leaderboards, to establish an energetic and competitive learning atmosphere.

The platform offers a vast library of pre-existing quizzes covering a wide range of subjects and grade levels, which can be customized by teachers to align with their lesson plans and learning objectives. Educators can also create their own quizzes from scratch, incorporating various question types and multimedia elements to enrich the learning experience.

Quizizz supports both live quiz sessions and self-paced learning, allowing teachers to cater to different classroom settings and individual student needs. Students can participate in quizzes using their computers, tablets, or smartphones, fostering accessibility and flexibility in the learning process.

The platform provides real-time feedback and performance analytics, enabling educators to monitor student progress, identify areas of improvement, and adjust their teaching strategies accordingly. Additionally, Quizizz integrates with popular learning management systems, facilitating seamless integration into existing educational frameworks.

In summary, Quizizz is a versatile online platform that empowers educators to create engaging and interactive quizzes for students, utilizing gamification elements to enhance motivation and learning outcomes. With its customizable content, varied quiz modes, and performance tracking features, Quizizz is an invaluable tool for educators seeking to incorporate game-based learning into their instructional practices.

6. Codecombat


The app teaches coding through games. It is built as an adventure that will ignite the creativity of the students involved. It also instils critical thinking and confidence to build the coding champions of the future.

Gamifying a class will transform learning. It requires the easiest apps and gadgets available to students. It gets better if the app can generate analytics that helps teachers and students to improve the learning experience.

The platform offers a variety of coding courses, covering popular programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS. These courses are designed for different age groups and skill levels, ranging from complete beginners to more advanced learners. CodeCombat’s unique approach allows students to learn coding concepts by applying them directly within the game environment, thus ensuring immediate, hands-on experience.

CodeCombat’s storyline and gameplay mechanics keep students motivated and engaged, as they navigate through various levels, solve puzzles, and complete quests using their newly acquired programming skills. The platform also fosters collaboration and communication, as students can work together on challenges and share their progress with peers or educators.

Educators can utilize CodeCombat as a supplementary resource for their computer science curriculum, thanks to its comprehensive lesson plans, progress tracking, and performance analytics. These features enable teachers to monitor student progress, identify areas of improvement, and adjust their instructional strategies accordingly.

7. Blooket


Blooket is a fun, interactive game-based learning platform that lets teachers create awesome educational games to share with their students. Teachers can host lively games where students join using a unique ID or assign games as homework, giving students the freedom to play at their own pace.

Teachers have the option to create their own question sets or use pre-existing sets developed by the Blooket community (both terms, games and question sets, are used interchangeably in this review).

Although students are not required to register to play games, having a student account offers benefits such as tracking progress, competing in global leaderboards, buying and selling Blooks, and participating in upcoming community-wide events.

Blooket operates simply: teachers host live games with distinct game modes on their screens, while students join the games using generated IDs. Additionally, teachers can assign educational games as homework, providing students the opportunity to engage with the content at their own pace.

8. Quizlet


Quizlet is a popular online learning platform that offers an extensive collection of digital flashcards, quizzes, and study tools. Designed to enhance learning and improve knowledge retention, Quizlet provides a flexible and user-friendly interface for creating, sharing, and engaging with educational content across various subjects and disciplines.

With its diverse range of study modes, including flashcards, quizzes, and games, Quizlet caters to different learning styles and preferences. The platform is particularly useful for language learning, test preparation, and reinforcing subject material, making it a valuable resource for students and educators alike.

9. Quizalize


Quizalize is a delightful online platform crafted for making, sharing, and managing captivating quizzes and assessments. Its goal is to boost learning and amp up student motivation by incorporating exciting game-based elements and real-time feedback.

The platform is perfect for educators wanting to design tailor-made learning experiences for their students across a wide range of subjects and grade levels.

With its user-friendly interface and customizable content, Quizalize allows teachers to easily tailor quizzes to align with their lesson plans and learning objectives. The platform also provides performance analytics, enabling educators to monitor student progress and adjust their teaching strategies accordingly.

10. Cerebriti

Cerebriti is an online platform that offers an engaging and interactive learning experience by combining educational content with game-based challenges. Its primary goal is to make learning enjoyable and accessible while promoting the acquisition of knowledge across a wide range of subjects and disciplines.

The platform features a diverse collection of games and quizzes, designed to cater to various age groups, learning levels, and interests. Users can either play existing games or create their own custom games based on specific topics and learning objectives. This versatility allows educators to seamlessly integrate Cerebriti into their lesson plans and tailor the content to suit their students’ needs.

Cerebriti encourages friendly competition among students by incorporating leaderboards and performance tracking, which helps to maintain motivation and engagement throughout the learning process. The platform also fosters collaboration by allowing users to share their custom games with other players or educators, promoting a collective learning experience.

The app is unique because it approaches gaming from two angles. It allows a student to create games based on the concepts learned in class. At the same time, the app allows consolidated learning where teachers, parents, or other students join in the games. It nurtures creativity and will generate analytics that helps you to improve learning.

Garry Warner

I started gaming in my early age. I would play games with my dad on SEGA. I played the Golden Axe, Sonic the Hedgehog, Contra, Jurassic Park and many more. Since then I have played hundreds of games, and gaming has become a part of my life.