League of Legends and Halloween: Here’s What’s Coming
Riot Games have never been one to disappoint when it comes to seasonal events. This year looks set to be no different. League of Legends fans can look forward to a slew of new nightmarish skins, along with the promise of exciting events just in time for Halloween. Feeling festive? Read on for a breakdown of what to look out for this October.
Introducing Bewitching Skins
The real standout of this year’s Halloween-inspired updates is a handful of Bewitching skins that will let players give their favorite magic users an image update. So far, five champions have been hallmarked for the Bewitching treatment, including LeBlanc, Neeko, Senna, Cassiopeia, and Anivia.
Notice a pattern there? All of these champions fall into the witch category, so it’s no surprise that Riot Games have picked these fierce women as worthy of a Halloween-inspired skin. Although some fans may have been expecting more skin releases, these new additions slot nicely alongside Bewitching skins released in previous years. Looking for seasonal skins to overhaul your go-to champions? You can delve into the back catalog to find Bewitching skins for the likes of Poppy, Nami, and Fiora. Miss Fortune and Morgana’s Bewitching skins are also worth seeking out, with both champions boasting their own Prestige Edition skins.
Expect these skins to form part of the Leagues of Legends Patch 12.20, currently slated for release in mid-October. All of these skins fall into the Epic class, meaning you can expect to fork out 1350 RP for each one.

Gothic and Fright Night Skins Get an Update
The Gothic skin line continues to be one of the most popular in League of Legends. As of 2022, many popular champions have received their very own Gothic skins. Riot Games recently announced a slew of name updates to their Gothic and Fright Night skin line-ups. Expect devilish new designs for favorite champions like Urgot and Annie, as well as old-school heroes like Draven.
What Else is in Store for Halloween 2022?
In previous years, Riot Games hasn’t held back when it came to celebrating Halloween. In the past, fans have been able to embrace the season of the witch with the annual Harrowing event. During the Harrowing, Summoner’s Rift enjoys a spooky makeover. Expect new in-game icons, themed consumables, and a redesigned map that’s been infused with festive elements.
In 2021, the Harrowing also boasted two unique game modes. Teemoing forced players to hold their ground for 15 minutes against a wave of enemies until a final encounter with the eponymous demon. Meanwhile, Doom Bots of Doom put a dastardly spin on the traditional co-op vs. AI mode, with players tasked with defeating a legion of monstrous enemies.
Sadly, Riot Games haven’t revealed any news regarding a Harrowing event for 2022. However, don’t be too dismayed by the lack of updates. It’s not unusual for Riot Games to leave announcements until the third week of October, so keep your eyes peeled for last-minute announcements. Interested in seeing how the pros are celebrating the Halloween scene? Find everything you need with this LoL schedule.